Wednesday, May 1, 2013

RA#3 Rereading America

Brenna Gustafson
Stacey Knapp
English 1A
1 May 2013
                                                   RA#3 Rereading America

In the article "Rereading America" by David Kupelian the article starts off with his son's boy scout law. The
article is about America and the commerialized media and music industry influencing the youth in a negative
way that is degrading towards what America should be or had been at one point. Kupelian makes a few
claims about the way that music is sold to young American teens. He claims that massive music corporations
achive success on a large scale by sending "spies"(650) to take note of what is deemed cool. The article is
about corruption, manipulation, and trickery on our youth. In the article the audience that seems to be
targeted is mostly parents who have trouble with their children, or a person that may have friends that have a
rebellious teen. The audience has to be expecting a solution for the problem that Kupelian is bringing into
light. Through out the article I was left feeling like there was no hope for change, which I believe that was the
author's intention. Kupelian appears to have a his facts in order and he gives the appearance that he knows
what he is talking about. The ulimate goal that this article was drawn up for is to open America's eyes and to
make difference in how corporations are dealing with America. Kupelian makes his purpose known all
throughout his article and gives you the feeling to make a difference. The article is taking place in the present
time here in America as well as other countries. The situation that took place for this piece of writing to
reach us readers is issues with his son compromising morals that he had taught his son, which then led to a
seperation between his son and his self. This article is meaningful to America, which is a country with major
corruption. This is a article that was writen by a few people to back up that claims that were made in this
article. The genre for this article is more towards informal then formal, but yet it does not seem like that type
of article with no facts more towards educational. The style stays consistant through out the article. The
author breaks down his article in sections, probably do to the fact that there is alot of information that he
wants to get across to the audience, first introducing the idea he wants to implant, then suporting it with evidence, and last making personal connections so that the audience can relate. This article seems to use all three Logos, Pathos, and Ethos. Kupelian mostly used Logos and Pathos. He uses a lot of persuaion tactics by narration and analysis. This is a well developed article that does strike emotion in the intended reader.

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